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Service Hours


All students are encouraged to do community service hours. Holy Angels provides many opportunities for them to do this. Junior High students are required to complete 10 hours each year as part of their Religion class. Click here for the Service Hours Form.

Service projects may be an area of interest for the student. Service hours should be seen as furthering the message and ministry of Jesus, and they should bring a student into direct service or contact with another person outside of school hours.  The only exceptions shall be lunch/recess monitoring and morning or afternoon patrol. 


Service projects do not include altar serving during the school day, money, gifts, or other compensation. They are not to be done at home or family chores (such as, yard work, laundry, babysitting, care of pets, etc.). 


Parents are also required to participate in a service program by giving 10 hours of their time back to the school each year. Click here for more information.


Click here to sign up for Sports Boosters Volunteer Opportunities.

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