Preschool Program
The Holy Angels Preschool Program provides children with a structured environment to stimulate and nurture their interests. Through hands on activities, stories, and songs the children will develop the skills needed for Kindergarten. Our preschoolers will feel the love of Jesus as they learn to pray and sing His praises. Through stories and crafts they will develop a positive image of our good, loving and caring God.
Children entering preschool must be three years of age on or before September 1st. Baptismal and birth certificates must be submitted for children entering the preschool program. Originals will be returned and copies will be kept on file.
Monthly payments are due the 15th of each month, August-April with two installments due in August.
Due to high demand, spots for preschool fill up fast. So please register as soon as possible!

Develop fine and gross motor skills
Learn to work and play in a group
Learn to follow simple and reasonable directions
Being to appreciate fine music
Learn to look at books and to love them
Use self-expression through art
Learn to share new experiences and tell about them

Our preschool for 4 year old is a 5-day a week program. For three year olds we offer a 2 day program on Tuesday and Thursday, a 3 day program on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, or 5-day a week program. All preschool runs 8:00 a.m. - 11 a.m. We realize that there are many working parents and offer extended day to preschoolers as well. See "Extended Day" for more information.

Daily use of the calendar
Hands-on science experiments
Phonemic awareness
Develop visual discrimination
Identify colors, shapes and numbers
Identifying directional concepts, opposites, classification and sequence
Develop phonological awareness (rhyming)
Identifying sounds and letters
Identifying the four seasons and dressing skills
Holy Angels School preschool program is designed to develop a positive self-concept with a Christian foundation.

Extended Day
We do offer extended day for preschoolers who need to stay all day. Please refer to the preschool extended day information for an overview of our program and the fees. Preschoolers may wear play clothes to school each day.