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Grading System


The following marking codes are used by all Catholic elementary schools in the Rockford Diocese:


Grading System

Students will be assessed quarterly based upon standards set forth by the Diocese of Rockford. All students will be assessed using the following system:



Effort/Conduct Code - Click here for the rubric of how Effort and Conduct are assessed

4- Exceptional


2- Satisfactory

1- Improvement Needed



Characteristics of Successful Learners

*- Commendation

+- Improvement Shown

v- Improvement Needed

All students in grades K-3 will be assessed using the following scale:


Achievement Code

4- Exceptional- Student demonstrates an in-depth understanding of the essential learning.

3- Good- Student demonstrates general understanding of the essential learning.

2- Satisfactory- Student demonstrates developing understanding of the essential learning.

1- Improvement Needed- Student demonstrates minimal understanding of the essential learning.

No Mark (Blank)- Not Assessed at this time.


Students in grades 4-8 will be assessed using the following scale:


A+  99 - 100%

A    95 - 98%

A-   93 - 94%

B+  91 - 92%

B    87 - 90%

B-   85 - 86%

C+  83 - 84%

C    79 - 82%

C-   77 - 78%

D+  75 - 76%

D    72 - 74%

D-   70 - 71%

F     69% and below



Report cards are Published on four times per year. Each year a parent-teacher conference is held for each child. Also, parents and teachers are encouraged to communicate as often as necessary. Parents may contact the teacher via e-mail at any time. Please see our Teaching Staff page for a list of email addresses. Parents may also call the school requesting that a teacher return the call (630-897-3613). Parents are asked not to call teachers at home regarding school matters.


If a student in Grades 6, 7, or 8 fails two or more quarters of Religion, Science, Social Studies, English, Literature, and/or Math, he/she will be required to successfully complete teacher-assigned compensatory work in order to proceed to the next grade. Parents of failing students will pay for the materials and necessary teacher time for instruction and grading.


The Iowa Test of Basic Skills is administered to students in Grades 2-8 each September. Cognitive Ability Tests are administered to children in Grades 3, 5, and 7. Parents are asked to avoid scheduling appointments during this time.



Honor Roll Policy


Honor Roll is awarded to students in 6th thru 8th grade that achieve the following grade point averages:

Outstanding Honors- 4.0 and above

First Honors- 3.8 to 3.99

Second Honors- 3.6 to 3.79

With distinction means student received all * in special classes. 


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