Angel Wings Program
Angel's Wings is a tuition reduction program for the parishioners of Holy Angels Parish and the parents of Holy Angels School children. This program utilizes gift cards, purchased at a discount and sold at face value, to earn monies to reduce the tuition owed by our parents, while at the same time earning money for valuable school programs. Participants can choose to use their earnings to reduce their tuition costs at Holy Angels School, any of the local Catholic High Schools, 501c3 Colleges, and Holy Angels Parish Religious Education Program. Participants who do not have need of tuition reduction can choose to have their earnings be earmarked for the Guardian Angel program, Holy Angels School Technology Fund, Classroom Enhancement Fund or Holy Angels Parish.
During the school year, we have returned to in person sales on Monday evenings from 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm in addition to the backpack program and digital ordering. All orders need to be submitted and paid for by 5:00 pm on Monday evenings when the program is open, which is generally every Monday that school is in session. If there is no school on a Monday or Thursday and Friday, the program is closed that week. During the summer, the program is open every other week. Please make sure to check the school calendar for sale dates if you are unsure if the program is open!
The backpack program runs each week students are in class from Monday through Thursday/Friday. The red Angel Wings backpack bag is to be sent with the student to school on Monday. The backpack bag should include a completed order form and check, unless the order was submitted and paid for digitally. The student is responsible for removing the red bag from his or her backpack and giving it to their teacher. The completed order will be sent home with the student on Friday. (See raiseright.com for a full list of gift cards available). New order forms can be printed through the link below.
If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Handell at 630-849-6229 or jrhandell@yahoo.com. Please note "Angel Wings" in the subject line of any emails.
See https://www.raiseright.com/shop for list of cards available.
Angel Wings Order Form
Angel Wings Date Sales
Angel Wings Information Packet
Angel Wings Registration Form
Angel Wings College Registration Form