Holy Angels Parish School attracts students from all ethnic, cultural, and social groups in the community. We look upon each child as unique and special in terms of the child's abilities, talents, potential, and personality. It is because of this that we have several areas of academic enrichment in addition to our full curriculum of Religion, Reading, English, Literature, Spelling/Vocabulary, Social Studies, Science, and Mathematics. We currently offer advanced Math for 6, 7, and 8th grade. Holy Angels School also has a full time reading specialist on staff to work with struggling readers in grades K-5.
We are a nationally accredited Catholic school. We have non-public recognition from the state of Illinois. We continue to initiate new programs that will enhance our Diocesan curriculum (Click here to view) and enrichment programs. Our basic curriculum is enhanced by the following enrichment components:

Students Kindergarten thru grade 3 use iPads. Students in grades 4th thru 8th receive a Chromebook to use.
We have a fully networked lab featuring iMac personal computers linked to the Internet, Laser printers, and an LCD system designed to enhance learning through a combination of hands-on and visual instruction.
Our individual classrooms are also equipped with Mac Book Air, document camera and LCD projector for individual and group learning. Teachers are eligible to receive technology training throughout the year.
Students receive technology training in the areas of desktop publishing, word processing, Internet access, and keyboarding.
Students in grades K-5 use a variety of programs that reinforce language art, geography, and math skills.
Students in grades 6-8 use various software programs to help build skills in the use of spreadsheets and multi-media presentations. All grade levels access education websites to enhance our solid academic curriculum.

The Art program at Holy Angels Parish School provides an environment of self-expression and creativity for students in grades 1-8.
An Art Studio is equipped with a wide range of media and tools to aid in the students' discovery of their God-given talents in the visual arts.
Elements and Principles of Art, including art history, are taught within the Art Studio..
An Art Appreciation Program is offered through the Home & School Association. Parent volunteers visit grades 1-6 with art materials and art history information, taking the children on various art journeys. Reproductions of famous art works are brought into the classrooms and reviewed. The students then become actively involved in the art, creating their own art of that style, movement or music relating to the art, while discussing their likes and dislikes of the piece. They become familiar with the famous artists and their styles.
Young Rembrandts is offered after school for children in grades K-8. The Young Rembrandts program focuses on drawing techniques.

Our collection of print and non-print resources totals over 8,000 resources with a computerized catalog.
Students in grades 1-8 are encouraged to explore the expansive library collection and are assisted in finding materials to check out.
The students are given regular library instruction, learning how to locate the various materials within any library collection.
The importance of reading is modeled through structured storytimes presented by both staff and volunteers.
Students in grades 1-6 are encouraged to develop advanced reading skills by the use of the Accelerated Reading Program.
The library promotes an annual Book Fair to encourage recreational reading for students and staff, as well as to promote the importance of family literacy.
Generous donations continue to help expand our current library collection.

Science Lab
Modern laboratory furnished with up-to-date equipment such as microscopes and science tables
Students in the 7th and 8th grades are encouraged to discover, explore and investigate using a hands-on approach to learning in our science lab.
The lab is also available to students in the lower grades.
Students work in small groups and actively explore the science stations set up in our laboratory. Our science instructor guides and assists our students in their learning adventures.

Holy Angels provides state-of-the-art music equipment in the classroom.
All students in grades K-8 have classroom singing, taught by our music teacher.
There is an opportunity for students in grades 3-8 to belong to the Chorus, which meets once a week after school.
Opportunities for learning to play musical instruments are offered to students in grades K-8.
Students in grades 4-8 are eligible to join the school band in the fall of each year.
Student performances throughout the year and combined performances with other area schools.

Physical Education
The main objectives of physical education are:
To teach a variety of individual and team sport
To develop a student physically, emotionally and socially
To teach activities that can be used later in life for recreational enjoyment
To stay physically fit
Classes are conducted under the supervision of trained physical education teachers.
A large number of our students qualify for the President's Physical Fitness Award every year.

Holy Angels is the only Catholic school in the Rockford Diocese that employs a school counselor to provide on-site support.
Reading support is available for students in grades K-5 from a certified reading specialist on staff.
Students are identified through various assessments in consultation with the classroom teacher and parents.
Small group instruction focuses on improving phonemic awareness, phonics skills, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.
This instructional time is in addition to whole group guided reading instruction by the classroom teacher.
Math support is provided through the services of a Title I math teacher assigned by West Aurora School District 129.
Students needing additional support services are screened to offer interventions to the child's curriculum through the school's instructional support team. A student may then be referred to West Aurora School Disctrict 129 for further diagnostic testing to determine if an individualized service plan is needed.