All-School Picnic
The All-School Picnic committee plans and coordinates our year-end picnic festivities for grades 1-7 at the end of the school year. Parents are needed to help with food, games, and volunteer coordination.
Box Tops Program
The Box Tops Program Committee coordinates the Box Tops for Education, Campbell’s Labels for Education, Tyson Project A+, and the My Coke Rewards Programs for Holy Angels School. Volunteers are needed to collect, package, submit, enter codes, plan classroom and school contests to encourage participation in the programs, and communicate progress to the school community.
Drop-Off Nights
The Drop-Off Nights Committee plans and coordinates four Drop-Off Nights each year for our younger students. Teachers supervise the students for the evening, but parent helpers are needed to plan and prepare a craft project, a snack, and to help with set-up and clean-up for each event.
Educational Enhancement
The Educational Enhancement committee coordinates our Picture Person program, school assemblies for the children, and helps to arrange and/or promote speakers for parent education opportunities. This committee also plans our Fine Arts Fair that is held during Catholic Schools Week.
Eighth Grade Recognition Night
Seventh grade parents comprise the Eighth Grade Recognition Night committee. They plan a special evening of awards, food, and entertainment to recognize the 8th grade students just prior to their graduation at the end of May.
Family Bingo Nights
The Family Bingo Night Committee plans two fun evenings of kid-friendly bingo each year. Committee members are needed to help plan a theme, decorations, concessions, a bake sale, and prizes.
Family Fun Fair
This annual event takes place in early February and promotes family fun at Holy Angels. Help is needed throughout the year to plan games, prizes, raffles, silent auctions, food, decorations, and entertainment.
The HSA Fundraising Committee plans small fundraisers geared towards children and families. This committee plans monthly ‘Spirit Nights’ at area restaurants, coordinates our ‘Pictures with Santa’ event in December, and organizes and runs a ‘School Store’ for students. Parent volunteers are needed to help with the school store.
Hot Lunch
Committee members are needed to help with our monthly Hot Lunch Program, our biggest HSA fundraiser. Volunteers are needed to help count orders the week before Hot Lunch Day and/or deliver food to classrooms on Hot Lunch Day.
Junior High Dances
7th and 8th grade parents are needed to serve on the Junior High Dances Committee. This committee plans the themes, decorations, snacks, and raffles for our Junior High Dances.
Morale Luncheons Committee
The Morale Luncheons Committee plans and coordinates quarterly luncheons for the faculty/staff.
New Parent Program
The New Parent Program Committee welcomes and provides mentoring to new Holy Angels Parish School families. Committee members are needed to reach out to new families prior to the start of school, welcome them at the New Parent Orientation Meeting the night before Fee Day, assist new families at Fee Day, follow up with new families throughout the school year, and assist with the Open House for prospective families in February.
The Publicity Committee prepares a brochure outlining the Home & School Association programs and helps with flyers and announcements for HSA. This committee also publishes a newsletter to report the progress of the Home & School Association committees and their respective program and events.
Social Events
Help is needed to provide hospitality and/or baked goods at school functions throughout the year. Functions include the Ice Cream Social, Back-to-School Coffee, Curriculum Night, Grandparents Day, Parent/Teacher Conferences, Open House, and the Easter Egg Hung. Other social/hosting needs may arise during the school year.
Spiritual Enhancement
Volunteers are needed for the Spiritual Enhancement Committee to help us continue our mission to bring Jesus Christ closer to our students, parents, and staff. Past projects include the Advent candle sale and the distribution of holy cards and rosaries to our younger students. The committee also coordinates Advent and Lenten activities, provides sacramental keepsakes to our 2nd and 8th graders, and offers classroom presentations of the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
Committee members are needed to plan and host the Teacher/Staff Appreciation Luncheon during Catholic Schools Week.
Teacher/Staff Gifts
The Teacher/Staff Gifts Committee recognizes our Holy Angels Teachers and Staff on their birthdays and at Christmas with HSA provided gifts. This committee also plans and coordinates four Teacher/Staff Morale Luncheons throughout the year. Committee members are needed to help with the Morale Luncheons.
Yearbook Committee
The yearbook committee coordinates taking photos of all activities throughout the year and works on layout of the yearbook.